A ha ha. Pig puppets and name games sung in solfege= graduate school?
I never thought that I'd be doing this kind of stuff to garner a degree! It's usually fun, but as of right now, it's a little too high energy for me. Night school should definately allow for more sitting and vegging out.
Went to lunch at Shish today with RA. It was good, but we decided the hummus was a little funky. I saw AC at Coffee News-- she's as cute and friendly as ever. Man do I love that girl. After lunch (I had a gyro wrap, yummy cucumbers!) and coffee and tea with AC, we were off to drop in on Mr. Man for a surprise visit at his work, Wet Paint.
Mr. Man is probably the sweetest nicest person that I have ever met-- I only hope that I can keep up whatever it is that makes him think that I am also those things... RA and I were eating at Shish because he has some art up there-- line, figures, pretty minimalist, I wish I understood that more than I do. He's obviously uber talented and darker than he appears... He's a little intense though-- I mean, I will not marry him next week, but he's most certainly let me know that he's interested... actually, it's comforting knowing that I'm not going out on limb thinking about liking him, but eeeek. It was good to see him. He was obviously happy that I dropped by. RA said it was a wonder that he didn't lick my face though, he was so openly ecstatic.
KF made the point later that I like dogs-- and, I do, but I already have one. A boyfriend would be nicer than another dog. But that sounds awful. A day at a time. A day at a time. He could most certainly point out about a billion awful things about me, and enthusiasm isn't a flaw, it's contagious... so, here's hoping I get infected. :)