Procrastination station. It's so beautiful outside!
I am sitting in the station, waiting for the motivation to jump onto the train that will lead me to the end of my second full semester of graduate school (on Monday). The only problem is, it's about 25 pages of some serious self-reflection away. Man, what ever happened to b.s. without guilt? I suspect that it got lost somewhere in the 20k+ that Uncle Sam loaned to me for my undergraduate education (and it continues to rack up). Why marry rich when Uncle Sam can be your daddy?
Lost is on tonight. (I can't WAIT!) And then, it's the semesterly celebration with my grad-clique at O'Gara's Bar. But really I should buy some bones, take my puppy for a walk, take a shower, and go to sleep early. Tuesdays are nightmare-ish 15-hour work days that never end.
Ah, yes. The couch is calling my name and sweet sweet WALKING Violet is already in dreamland. I have the best jobs in the world!